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Machine Vision Market CAGR of 6.4% Between 2022 and 2028
Jan.30, 2024 - After a slow year for the global machine vision market in 2023, it is expected to return to growth in 2024, according to market intelligence specialist, Interact Analysis. While global automation markets have grown, 2023 was a challenging year for machine vision vendors and total revenues declined from $6.5bn in 2022 to $6.3bn last year. In the wake of this contraction, the market is forecast to record single-digit growth of around 1.4% in 2024.
2024年1月30日——据市场情报专家Interact Analysis称,全球机器视觉市场在经历了2023年的低迷后,预期将在2024年恢复增长。尽管全球自动化市场在扩大,但2023年对于机器视觉供应商来说是充满挑战的一年,总收入从2022年的65亿美元下降到去年的63亿美元。在这种收缩之后,预计市场将在2024年录得约1.4%的个位数增长。
While price pressures will persist for machine vision vendors in the first half of 2024, order books are expected to start refilling in the second half of the year. The machine vision market is anticipated to recover from 2025 onwards, in line with Interact Analysis’ predictions for manufacturing and machinery production growth. Between 2022 and 2028, the machine vision market will grow by an estimated CAGR of 6.4%, with revenues increasing from $6.5bn to $9.3bn over the forecast period. The Asia-Pacific (APAC) region will be a big driver of this growth.
尽管机器视觉供应商在2024年上半年将持续面临价格压力,但订单预计将在下半年开始补充。机器视觉市场预计将从2025年起复苏,这与Interact Analysis对制造业和机械生产增长的预测一致。2022至2028年间,机器视觉市场的复合年增长率预计将达到6.4%,预测期内收入将从65亿美元增至93亿美元。亚太地将成为这一增长的重要推动力。
Looking at the market for machine vision by application, inspection is dominant, with this segment representing over 40% of use cases in 2022. By 2028, inspection will be worth around $3.9bn. Resulting from the strong outlook for mobile robots, autonomous driving is forecast the largest CAGR between 2022 and 2028 (20.8%), followed by bin-picking (19.2%), which will benefit from deployment with industrial robots across a wide range of manufacturing industries.
Jonathan Sparkes, research analyst at Interact Analysis, commented on the machine vision vendor landscape, saying, “The top 3 machine vision vendors, Keyence, Cognex and Teledyne accounted for nearly one-third of global revenues in 2023. Due to the stronger performance of end-customers in APAC, vendors in that region were expected to have had a better year than those with less exposure in 2023. In general, APAC suppliers–particularly those in China–took share from those who conduct more of their business in other global regions.”
Interact Analysis研究分析师Jonathan Sparkes在评论机器视觉供应商现状时表示:“排名前三的机器视觉供应商基恩士、康耐视和Teledyne在2023年占全球收入的近三分之一。由于亚太地区的终端客户表现更加强劲,预计该地区的供应商在2023年的表现会优于其他区域的供应商。总体而言,亚太地区的供应商(尤其是中国的供应商)从那些在全球其他地区开展更多业务的供应商那里抢走了市场份额。”
“Despite a plethora of mergers and acquisitions in recent years, the machine vision market is still considered fragmented. New vendors continue to enter the market, with more than 200 active worldwide. We are seeing increasing activity from new vendors in China in particular, as well as in those territories where machine vision products are increasingly being used for autonomous driving and bin-picking.”
24-02-01 15:45
24-02-02 09:25

