

2022-06-16 16:48 来源:翻译

China to Ship Half the World’s Collaborative Robots from 2023

Updated cobot research from Interact Analysis shows that the market enjoyed 45% growth in 2021 as part of a post-pandemic rebound. The market for collaborative robots will continue to grow strongly out to 2026 with annual growth rates sitting at just over 20%. Logistics and service industries are likely to be the long-term growth drivers.

来自Interact Analysis的最新协作机器人研究显示,作为疫后反弹的一部分,2021年市场实现了45%的增长。到2026年,协作机器人市场将继续强劲增长,年增长率略高于20%。物流和服务行业可能是长期增长的动力。

The Chinese market for collaborative robots continues to lead over the EMEA and Americas regions. Interact Analysis predicts that China’s market share by shipments will increase from 49.1% in 2021 to a staggering 54.4% in 2026 (at which point annual unit shipments will exceed 50,000). The research shows that China’s 2022-2026 cobot CAGR will be 29% - the highest of all the global regions. The Americas–where uptake of cobots particularly in manufacturing is much more cautious–are likely to retain the smallest market share overall with a still impressive 5-year CAGR of 19.4%.

中国的协作机器人市场继续领先于欧洲、中东和非洲以及美洲地区。Interact Analysis公司预测,按出货量计算,中国的市场份额将从2021年的49.1%增加到2026年惊人的54.4%(届时年出货量将超过5万台)。研究显示,中国2022-2026年的协作机器人年复合增长率将达到29%,是全球所有地区中最高的。在制造业中对协作机器人的采用尤其谨慎得多的美洲地区,尽管市场份额可能是最小的,但5年的年复合增长率仍为19.4%,令人印象深刻。

By 2026 the collaborative robot market will be three times the size it was in 2021, exceeding $2bn that year and with shipment rates hitting the roof at 100,000 units. The outlook is positive for the long-term, with the research showing that growth rates of 20% will be maintained right out to 2030.


A key focus for cobot companies right now is on making their products suitable for new application scenarios. Currently, we are seeing a strong uptake in collaborative robot usage within the medical, education, logistics and catering fields. Moving forward, it is likely that we will see greater uptake within the industrial manufacturing industry where cobots are helping to plug the gaps caused by ongoing labor shortages. 


Maya Xiao, senior analyst at Interact Analysis commented, “As we emerge from the COVID-19 pandemic, the issue of labor shortages is seemingly never ending. This is leading many to invest in collaborative robots. Our research shows that once one competitor invests in collaborative robots, and it is seen to work, there is a ripple effect. In 2021, global cobot shipments achieved a phenomenal year-on-year increase of 44.6%. Collaborative robots are being used as a form of ‘future-proofing’ because the pandemic creates so much uncertainty that companies don’t know what to expect next. Annually, we predict a 20-30% growth rate for the market, right out to 2026.”  

Interact Analysis高级分析师Maya Xiao评论道:"当我们从新冠肺炎疫情走出时,劳动力短缺的问题似乎永远不会结束。这导致许多人投资于协作型机器人。我们的研究表明,一旦一个竞争者投资于协作机器人,并被认为是有效的,就会产生连锁反应。2021年,全球协作机器人的出货量实现了惊人的同比增长,达到44.6%。协作机器人被视为一个‘面向未来’的形式,因为疫情造成了许多不确定性,企业不知道接下来会发生什么。我们预计,从现在到2026年,这个市场每年将保持20-30%的增长率。"    

