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附件 wx_camera_1710422262945.jpg
附件 wx_camera_1710432864751.jpg
最后修改:2024/3/22 9:24:57
24-03-21 00:22
24-03-21 11:12
Short-circuit the input phase loss optocoupler then u can check the six signals of igbt
附件 15fc3778d4af13a8a5b962ba410fd9ba00a002d0~2.jpg
24-03-21 20:26
for mitsu a700 series, you don't need to fake the feedback pulse signal of igbt. just fake the DC bus voltage measurement circuit and short circuit the secondary of input phase loss optocoupler and done. because for mitsu a700, when input phase loss optocoupler don't active, vfd will show normal display and u still running on panel like no matter happened, but the pulse signal of igbt still hide. just like that
24-03-21 20:40

引用 Cnlong 在 2024/3/21 20:26:36 发言【内容省略】

24-03-22 20:25

引用 yjuwlufg7700 在 2024/3/22 20:25:15 发言【内容省略】

Please go to the parameters to see the DC bus voltage. If there is no DC bus voltage, it means you have not faked the DC bus signal.  Even if there is no dc bus voltage, the circuit board will still be normal but it will not do anything, only when you short circuit the input phase loss optocoupler, will the circuit board actually work.
24-03-23 08:02

