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主题:帮帮施耐德老外找个产品:USB-FIP Adapter

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Following the call with you, Schneider Electric  (European Division) is
intenting to procure or develop a kind of USB-FIP Adapter in China. The
general application for this product is:
The USB/FIP adapter is used only over PC desktop or PC Laptop.
The adapter is connected on the PC USB port and on a FIP network.
There is no external power supply, the adapter is powered by the USB bus.
The PC is connected with this adapter on FIPWAY or FIPIO Network.
On FIPWAY/FIPIO network, PC applications communicate with all equipments
like PLC, PC, other equipment.
The main PC applications that use FIPWAY network are:
-       PL7 product
-       P-UNIT product
-       OFS product
A maximum of 2 adapters could be connected on the PC through the USB port
Could you help us to check if it is possible for us to get this kind of
product in China.
Appreciate for your effort and look forward to your promp feedback.
Best Regards
Purchaser OEM Section
Operating Division
Low Voltage Electrical Distribution
Schneider Electric
Tel :  +33 (0)4 76 39 83 74
Mob: +33 (0)6 11 19 50 59
Fax : +33 (0)4 76 39 48 14
05-09-22 17:58

