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Real-time Data from Connected Factory is Key to Driving Innovation and Delivering Competitive Advantages
Analog Devices, Inc. (Nasdaq: ADI) announced a newly commissioned study conducted by Forrester Consulting on behalf of Analog Devices, that shows that industrial manufacturers who have made investments in connectivity technologies (“high maturity”) are better positioned to drive innovation and gain a competitive advantage compared to firms that have been slower to implement connectivity (“low maturity”) across the factory floor.
The study, based on a survey of more than 300 manufacturing, operations and connectivity executives across the globe, found that 85% of high maturity firms are currently using Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) technologies across much of the factory floor, compared to 17% of low maturity organizations. Over half (53%) of low maturity organizations report that their legacy equipment is unable to communicate with other assets.
“This past year was a true catalyst for digital transformation and many businesses needed to navigate and adopt connectivity strategies that helped them to become more agile and lay the groundwork for future innovation,” said Martin Cotter, SVP Industrial, Consumer & Multi-Markets at Analog Devices. “We see significant opportunity in the adoption of connectivity solutions, including 5G, to help organizations get data more quickly, enabling end applications.”
"过去的一年是数字化转型的真正催化剂,许多企业需要引导和采用连接策略,帮助他们变得更加敏捷,并为未来的创新奠定基础,"ADI工业、消费和多市场高级副总裁Martin Cotter说。"我们看到采用包括5G在内的连接解决方案的重大机遇,以帮助企业更快速地获取数据,实现终端应用。"
Findings from the research
Connected firms believe that improving network reliability (including adding 5G networks) will create significant opportunity: 68% of high maturity firms say this will enable them to make better use of existing cloud infrastructure and 66% believe their industrial data and IP will be more secure. Conversely, only 21% of low maturity firms believe that improving network reliability will help improve security. However, all respondents agree that improving network reliability will improve efficiency by freeing up employees who are constantly resolving downtime issues.
Low maturity firms struggle with security risk: 54% say that their lack of sophisticated cybersecurity strategy puts their business, customer, and employee safety at risk.
The human element continues to pose challenges: Almost half (47%) of low maturity firms say they lack the expertise to understand which connectivity technologies to invest in, indicating a skills gap. Even high maturity firms report that it is not easy for them to access the insights they need to make labor planning and safety decisions.
Real-time monitoring of equipment and productivity demonstrates an acute awareness of the high cost of unscheduled downtime: High (5%) and medium (17%) maturity firms reported much lower occurrence of unscheduled downtime of their industrial technology or equipment each week than low maturity companies (53%). These interruptions lead to higher cost of holding inventory and labor per unit, loss of production and customer confidence and decreased work capacity.
This research shows us that while many firms are benefiting from the promise of industrial connectivity, others have significant legacy and talent-related hurdles to overcome. Both a shortage of in-house expertise and interoperability of systems and data are two major hindrances to manufacturing modernization.
For this study, “Seamless Connectivity Fuels Industrial Innovation” (March 2021) – commissioned by Analog Devices – Forrester Consulting conducted a global online survey of 312 industrial connectivity strategy leaders. Survey participants included decision-makers in IT, operations, cybersecurity, and general management manufacturing roles. The study was conducted in October 2020.
在这项名为 "无缝连接助力工业创新"(2021年3月)的研究中,受ADI委托,Forrester 咨询公司对312名工业连接战略领导者进行了全球在线调查。调查参与者包括IT、运营、网络安全和综合管理制造业角色的决策者。该研究于2020年10月进行。
21-04-12 16:29

