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主题:施耐德电气收购DC Systems以推动配电创新

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Schneider Electric acquires DC Systems B.V. to advance innovations in electrical distribution
施耐德电气收购DC Systems以推动配电创新
·DC Systems is a Netherlands based start-up, specializing in active AC/DC microgrids, DC power conversion, and a comprehensive range of DC solutions
·This acquisition reinforces Schneider Electric’s expertise to provide resilient and sustainable energy infrastructures
·DC Systems是一家位于荷兰的初创企业,专门从事有源AC / DC微电网,DC电源转换以及各种DC解决方案
The world is becoming increasingly electric. Electricity is more than ever, the energy of the 21st century: it is the most efficient energy and the best vector for decarbonization. Innovation is part of Schneider Electric’s DNA and teams are constantly assessing promising trends and technologies that can help to make energy safe, reliable, efficient, sustainable, open and connected. Direct current in electrical distribution is one such area.
With the acquisition of DC Systems, Schneider Electric is consolidating its portfolio, to offer customers increased simplicity and resiliency for relevant applications such as building microgrids in unreliable public grid environments, or long-distance applications such as public lighting.
通过收购DC Systems,施耐德电气正在巩固其产品组合,为客户提供更简单和更灵活的相关应用,例如在不可靠的公共电网环境中构建微电网,或是公共照明等长距离应用。
“Schneider Electric has always been at the forefront of innovation,” said Nadège Petit, EVP of Schneider Electric’s Power Products Business. “This new acquisition aligns closely with our Company Purpose to empower all to make the most of their energy and resources. Furthermore, it reinforces our commitment to provide efficient and resilient solutions for microgrids in buildings, among other applications”.
施耐德电气电源产品业务执行副总裁Nadège Petit表示:“施耐德电气一直处于创新的最前沿,这一新收购契合我们的公司宗旨,就是赋能所有人对能源和资源的最大化利用。此外,它进一步巩固了我们为建筑物中的微电网提供高效且灵活解决方案的承诺。”
DC Systems has an established track record in developing hybrid AC/DC electrical distribution systems for microgrids, and its DNA has been built on the deployment of real-life projects. With several years of  experience in the field, DC Systems is recognized for being one of the first organizations to have made a “100% DC-electrified building”, namely the Amsterdam based “Circl building”. DC Systems has also provided DC electrical solutions for more than 300 kilometers of public road lighting, as well as for several commercial buildings across Europe. All of these projects were realized thanks to its existing ecosystems of contractors and integrators.
DC Systems在研发用于微电网的混合交流/DC配电系统方面有着良好记录,其核心理念建立在现实项目的部署上。凭借在该领域的多年经验,DC Systems被公认为是首批建造“百分百直流电气化建筑”的机构之一,即位于阿姆斯特丹的“Circl大楼”。DC Systems还为300多公里的公共道路照明以及欧洲的一些商业建筑提供了直流电气解决方案。所有这些项目的实现都得益于其承包商和集成商的现有生态系统。
“In Schneider Electric we have found a like-minded partner with a shared vision, who, like us, is committed to delivering superior energy solutions, based on an open ecosystem, that offer tangible benefits for all,” said Harry Stokman, founder of DC Systems. “I look forward to tackling the energy challenge together.”
“在施耐德电气,我们找到了一个志同道合的伙伴,我们有着一致的愿景,基于开放的生态系统,共同致力于提供卓越的能源解决方案,为所有人带来实实在在的收益,” DC Systems创始人Harry Stokman说道。“我期待着我们一起携手应对能源挑战。”
最后修改:2021/1/13 16:29:05
21-01-13 16:27
21-02-04 10:24

