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主题:(异域来风)西门子收购UltraSoC Technologies公司

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Siemens announces acquisition of UltraSoC Technologies
西门子宣布收购UltraSoC Technologies公司
June 23, 2020 - Siemens has signed an agreement to acquire Cambridge, UK-based UltraSoC Technologies Ltd., a provider of instrumentation and analytics solutions that put intelligent monitoring, cybersecurity and functional safety capabilities into the core hardware of system-on-chip (SoC). Siemens plans to integrate UltraSoC’s technology into the Xcelerator portfolio as part of Mentor’s Tessent software product suite. The addition of UltraSoC to Siemens enables a unified data-driven infrastructure, and the creation of a solution to help semiconductor industry customers overcome key pain points including manufacturing defects, software and hardware bugs, device early-failure and wear-out, functional safety, and malicious attacks.
2020年6月23日——西门子已签署协议收购总部位于英国剑桥的UltraSoC Technologies公司,该公司提供仪器和分析解决方案,将智能监控、网络安全和功能安全能力纳入片上系统(SoC)的核心硬件。西门子计划将UltraSoC的技术集成到Xcelerator产品组合中,作为Mental Tessent软件产品套件的一部分。将UltraSoC整合到西门子后,可以实现统一的数据驱动基础架构,并创建一个解决方案来帮助半导体行业客户克服关键难题,包括制造缺陷、软件和硬件缺陷、设备早期故障和磨损、功能安全和恶意攻击。
UltraSoC is a pioneer of embedding monitoring hardware into complex SoCs to enable “fab-to-field” analytics capabilities designed to accelerate silicon bring-up, optimize product performance, and confirm that devices are operating “as designed” for functional safety and cybersecurity purposes. Tessent is a specialist in SoC design-for-test (DFT) solutions, and has established strengths in the field of automotive functional safety via its Tessent Safety Ecosystem. These two offerings are the foundation of a complete package of solutions, encompassing semiconductor design and production, functional safety, cybersecurity, and functional optimization of products in the field.
The combination of Siemens and UltraSoC technology are intended to benefit the entire semiconductor product lifecycle, including structural, electrical, and functional capabilities of SoCs. It also supports Siemens’ comprehensive digital twin with UltraSoC providing monitoring of the real device.
UltraSoC‘s products are used in the automotive, computing, storage and semiconductor industries. The company was recently selected as a participant in the DARPA AISS (Automatic Implementation of Secure Silicon) program; and is a member of the Secure-CAV consortium, an ambitious collaborative project that aims to improve the safety and security of tomorrow’s connected and autonomous vehicles (CAVs). Siemens’ acquisition of UltraSoC is due to close in the fourth quarter of Siemens’ fiscal year 2020. Terms of the transaction were not disclosed.
20-06-24 14:44

