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08-11-13 10:05
08-12-26 06:36
Answers to Pusteel Masterdrives questions

1-Set up of the plant
   +Does the information provided in the service report about application, system configuration and the cable length between the DC link bus and the braking unit and between the braking unit and the braking resistor apply to all drives?
 The cable length between the DC link bus and the braking unit Approx  1.5 meters
 The cable length between the braking unit and the braking resistor Max  20 meters.
 The braking resistor apply to all drives.
+How long are the cables between drive and motor?
The cable length between the drive and motor Max  70 meters.
   +How big is the maximum Braking power?
   The braking unit power (P20) > the maximum braking power

   +what are the characteristics of the traversing profile of the drives (Small  frequencies, how long), what does the sequence control look like (how many switch off's, only inverter stop, who switches the main contactor..)?

  The time for the braking unit operation < 2.5 minutes per 10 minutes
 The time for switch off's, only inverter stop > 30 minutes.
 Driver switches the main contactor.
 +Is the circuit diagram of the plant available?
     See the circuit diagram
2-Information about the failures
   +Which converters failed so far? which motors, braking units, braking resistors were they connected to? -->match with MLFB and serial numbers
 Many converters and braking unit failed.
+There is a MS Excel file with two worksheets in the service report. Are all braking units listed in the first sheet out of order or are only the braking units listed in the second sheet out of order?
  All the braking units listed in the sheet out of order.
+ which components of the faulty drives were replaced until it functioned again? Were the line-side fuses out of order?
The pre-charging resistor and the auxiliary rectifier.
The line-side fuses never failure.
+Which information is stored in the fault memory (parameter up read with drive monitor is required)?
 Pre-charging   (‘F002)
08-12-26 06:40
09-02-19 21:12

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